He made use go up to the board by ourselves and show how we got the answer. We got a few ways.
(-4) +(-2)=(-6)

Mr.Harbeck then gave us our HOME WORK! We had to do page 48 numbers 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30,37, 38, 39, and 40. Also e have to do page 49 numbers 9,10,11,14,15,25, and 26. I am going to show you page 49 numbers 9,10,11,14, 15, 25, and 26.
I will solve all these questions by changing the subtraction to addition and changing that integer to its zero pair, like if you have (-8)-(-10), you would change the subtraction to addition (-8)+(-10), then you change the integer to it's zero pair (-8)+(+10). You already know how to add integers so all you have to do is get the answer (-8)+(+10)=(+2).
9. (-6)-(+5)+(-3)
10. (-8)-(+5)+(-3)
11. (+8)+(-5)-(-3)
14. (+8)-(-5)+(-9)
15. (+15)+(-6)-(-7)
For 25 and 26 it's different then the others because it has 4 integers instead of three, but you can still do it the same way.
25. (+16)+(-9)+(-3)-(-5)
26. (+18)-(-5)+(+3)-(-9)
I hope it helped :)
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