Here are the information. I'll help you go through this problem.
- 4 000 0000 in one month ( 25 days)
-160 000 in one day
- 5000 boxes all together
- 32 boxes for 160 000
Now, ill show you how to get this information.
- to find how many paper we used in one day we have to do this:
4 000 000 (in one month) / 25 (days) = 160 000 (in one day)
-to find the 32 boxes we have to do this:
160 000(in one day) /5000(boxes) = 32 boxes
AND finally, this is how you find how many trailers you need:
32 (boxes) x 25 (days) / 250 (trailers) = 3.2 trailers
Then you just round that off to a whole number.
3 trailers !
After we have done that, we did the gum ball machines sheet.

We answered the questions 3, 4, 5 in class, and the rest was for homework.
Question number 3: you have to use tallies
Question number 5: you have to use numbers, eg. 5
Question number 6 : you have to use fractions out of a hundred , eg. 5/100
Question number 7 : you have to use percents, eg. 7%
Question number 8: you have to change the number lik

This what we did in question number 3 .
My group and I drew out 10 gumballs. This is our result:
In question number 4 you just write why your predictions were right or wrong. EXPLAIN .
For example :
My predictions were not very close because I thought that it would be the blue gum balls that would be the most picked out, because the blue has the most gum balls.
In question number 5 , we had to draw out 100 gum balls and this is what my group got:
This is what you do for question 6.
In question 7, you just have to convert the answers for question 6 to percents.
In question 8, put your perc
So , now you could see, there is more possibility for the gum ball to be blue than it is to be red.
Sorry if this is hard to understand, I tried to explain it well .
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