Either than that, we are finially done with probability. But that doesn't mean that we wont do any probability questions, we will still have some questions about probability on tests.
Anyways, We did a little game on the smart board. Hangman. The mystery word was INTEGERS. Our new topic in math is integers.
What are Integers ?
Postive integers
- can be written without a positive sign(+)
eg. +1 or 3
(+1) (+3)
Negative integers
- always written with a negative sign(-)
eg. -1 -3
(-1) (-3)
Mr. Harbeck said that the brackets are training wheels.
Adding Integers
think about money ($)

EG. (+5)+(+3)=8
I have 5 and I have 3
I owe 6 and I have 10
Algebra Tiles

Number lines
Today's homework was to do page 39-40 in our new booklet.
A. Indicate whether each would result in a positive or negative value.
1. Spending $27 - Negative
2. Climbing a mountain - Positive
3. Falling off a ladder - Negative
4. Going from the 5th to the 2nd floor - Positive
5. Spending $450 - Negative
6. A change in temperature - Negative or Positive
Algebra Tiles

Number lines
Today's homework was to do page 39-40 in our new booklet.
A. Indicate whether each would result in a positive or negative value.
1. Spending $27 - Negative
2. Climbing a mountain - Positive
3. Falling off a ladder - Negative
4. Going from the 5th to the 2nd floor - Positive
5. Spending $450 - Negative
6. A change in temperature - Negative or Positive
B. Write an integer to represent each of the following.
1. Losing $1o - (-10)
2. Finding a $100 bill - (+100)
3. Making a profit of $250 - (+250)
4. A temperature decrease of 3 degrees - (-3)
5. Six more than zero - (+6)
6. 7 less than zero - (-7)
C. Graph wach of the following on the given number line.
D. Write three integers that would appear next in the following sequences
(the following that is bold, is the answer)
1. +2, +4, +6 - +8, +10, +12
2. i wasnt really sure on this question
3. -11, -6, -1 - +4, +9, +16
4. 14, 9, 4 - -1, -6, -11
5. -8, -7, -5, -2, - +2, +7, +13
6. -2, -6, -11, -17 - -24, -32, -41
E. Place a greater than sign (>) or a less than sign (<) between each set of integers to make each statement correct. F. Rearrange each of the following sets of numbers from smallest to largest. (the answers)
G. Write out the set of integers described in each. H. State the addictive inverse (zero pair) for each of the following. (the answers)
1. -14
2. +16
3. -5
4. -3
5. +5
6. +8
7. no zero pair
8. -56
9. +7
10. +87
11. -987
12. +63098
1. Losing $1o - (-10)
2. Finding a $100 bill - (+100)
3. Making a profit of $250 - (+250)
4. A temperature decrease of 3 degrees - (-3)
5. Six more than zero - (+6)
6. 7 less than zero - (-7)
C. Graph wach of the following on the given number line.
D. Write three integers that would appear next in the following sequences
(the following that is bold, is the answer)
1. +2, +4, +6 - +8, +10, +12
2. i wasnt really sure on this question
3. -11, -6, -1 - +4, +9, +16
4. 14, 9, 4 - -1, -6, -11
5. -8, -7, -5, -2, - +2, +7, +13
6. -2, -6, -11, -17 - -24, -32, -41
E. Place a greater than sign (>) or a less than sign (<) between each set of integers to make each statement correct. F. Rearrange each of the following sets of numbers from smallest to largest. (the answers)

G. Write out the set of integers described in each. H. State the addictive inverse (zero pair) for each of the following. (the answers)
1. -14
2. +16
3. -5
4. -3
5. +5
6. +8
7. no zero pair
8. -56
9. +7
10. +87
11. -987
12. +63098
I'm sorry if there is any wrong answers. The next scriber i pick is ODUN ! (:
Good Job Tracey!!(:..thats all i can say haha...
October 20, 2008 at 9:59 PM
nice post Tracey !
nice pictures too :D
October 21, 2008 at 12:21 AM
I LIKE YOUR SCRIBE POST! I just have one thing to say though, next time make the answers in a different colour, it makes the post stand out more. (:
October 28, 2008 at 6:31 PM