Saturday, October 11, 2008
Today in class we started off by discussing Theoretical Probability and Experimental Probability. We were talking about how we played a game where we were picking "gumballs" out of a bin and each color gumball has a different chance of appearing because for example there were lots of blue and that gave it a bigger chance to show up than the other colors. There was 1 red gumball, 2 green, 3 yellow, and 4 blue. 10 gumballs in total, so the total possible outcomes is 10. Now, each color of gumballs has a different chance of appearing and the total of gumballs is 10 so (e.g.) the red gumball has 1/10 chance of appearing. The yellow gumballs have 3/10 chance of appearing. The green gumballs have 2/10 chance of appearing and the blue gumballs have 4/10 chance of appearing. This is the "theoretical probability" because this is what SHOULD happen when we pick out 10 gumballs and put back the gumballs after every turn. Now, when we actually did the experiment, we saw that the theoretical experiment isn't going to be the exact answer, because each gumball has a CHANCE to appear, its not the "guaranteed" answer. When my group did the experiment, we got a pretty close comparison to the theoretical probability, but it still wasn't perfect. Mr. Harbeck told us to do this experiment, pulling out the gumballs one by one, 100 times to truly test if the theoretical probability is never what you'll really get. My group finished this experiment and these are our results. We picked out blue 47 times out of 100 which was only 7 draws off of what we should have gotten. For yellow it was also close, 25/100. For green we got 24 draws out of 100 and for red we got 4 draws out of 100. We also learned that the more you do an experiment, the closer you will get to the theoretical probability, and you might even land spot on the theoretical probability. Here is the work explained above.
The next and last thing we talked about was again about probability. It was just mainly a worksheet asking questions about probability. I chose to show you questions 4, 5 and 6. Question 4 asks "If you roll a regular 6-faced die 1200 times, about how many times would you expect to get a 4. Well for one thing, we know that this is a 6-sided die. That means each number has an equal chance of being rolled. If we take 1200 rolls and divide it by how many total possible outcomes there are, then we get 200. Now, we also know that each number has an equal chance of being rolled so that means we should expect the number 4 to be rolled 200 times if we were to roll a 6-sided die 1200 times.
Question 5 asks "If a raindrop falls on this set of 25 tiles arranged in a 5x5 square, how many equally likely outcomes are there? There are 25 tiles and 9 of them are black. All the rest of the tiles, 16, are white. Therefore, there is a 36% chance that the raindrops will land on the black tiles and a 64% chance that the raindrops will land on the white tiles. The result is that there are no equally likely outcomes.

For the last question I will be showing you, it asks you to find each probability if a raindrop falls on the black tiles, white tiles, and GREEN tiles. Well, from the last question we already found the probability of landing on the black or white tiles. Black has a 36% chance of being landed on by (a) raindrop(s) and white has a 64% chance of being landed on by (a) raindrop(s). All we need to find now is the probability of a raindrop landing on a green tile. The answer is very simple, 0% chance. It is 0% chance because there ARE no green tiles!
That is pretty much all we did today in math class so I hoped someone learned something out there. I know I did. So, i have to choose someone to do the next scribe...who should i pick?? Hhhhhmmm... I will have to pick : Marc :D
awsome, good job patrick (:
October 14, 2008 at 10:20 PM
COOOL, nice job patrick !
October 15, 2008 at 7:42 PM
Good Job patrick
October 15, 2008 at 8:59 PM