For my act of kindness I thought of volunteering at a care home, but that backfired, so I thought I should do something with a friend. So I called Jaymie and we came up with a lot of ideas, but only the one that was "do-able" was writing cards and handing the out to people. So we did that. We even got our friend Amanda, who goes to a different school to participate. We made around 20-25 cards, which we enjoyed doing. We drew on the front of them and then wrote on the inside.

[Those weren't even half ]
Once we were finished we got a ride to the mall, but we only had 20 minutes before the mall was closing. The first time we handed it one out it was rejected, but the second time the person accepted our card. It felt very nice when the people read the cards instead of throwing them out. By the time the mall was closed we had given out half of the cards we made, so we decided to put the rest in peoples mailboxes.
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