We are starting to learn about fractions. And this homework is just to show how a fraction is the same or different from each other.
1. 2/3 and 4/6
- explain in 2 ways how they're different or the same. - you can convert them into percentage, decimals or draw a picture.
This one is the same fractions, because if you convert it to a percent, decimal it will be the same. And if you draw a picture it will take up the same amount of space.
2/3 x 2 = 4/6 or
4/6 divided by 2 is 2/3
1. 2/3 and 4/6
- explain in 2 ways how they're different or the same. - you can convert them into percentage, decimals or draw a picture.
This one is the same fractions, because if you convert it to a percent, decimal it will be the same. And if you draw a picture it will take up the same amount of space.
2/3 x 2 = 4/6 or
4/6 divided by 2 is 2/3
2/3 of a hundred is 66%
2/3 of a hundred is 66%
4/6 of a hundred is 66%

2. 1/8 and 1/4
- explain in 2 ways how they're different or the same. - you can convert them into percentage, decimals or draw a picture.
This one are not the same fractions, because when you convert it to percent or decimal it will show that one is bigger than the other.
1/8 = 0.125
1/4 = 0.25


2. 1/8 and 1/4
- explain in 2 ways how they're different or the same. - you can convert them into percentage, decimals or draw a picture.
This one are not the same fractions, because when you convert it to percent or decimal it will show that one is bigger than the other.
1/8 = 0.125
1/4 = 0.25

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