Then he talked about perfect squares.
The multiplication chart should look like this:
The squares are perfect because the number is whole, if it has a decimal then it wouldn't be.
These are the perfect squares.

Then the homework.
The homework was to make a perfect squares chart.
It looks like this:
well, I think the first one is because it has equal sides.

I think that's all we did. :)
I'm really sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm pretty sure there are.
Well, time to pick the next scribe and I pick Mellisa B.
Aw! Great scribe, BOBBY. If it's the BOBBY BOBBY. Haha, I really didn't know this was your scribe! Anyways, first off, I really liked your pictures. You may think that I say that to everyone, and I DO. But.. hmm, like they were neat. Really NEAT. And you organized them well, like you even showed the perfect squares, your the first scribe person I've ever seen who did that! SOOOOO.. :D great job. I liked how you placed the homework in there, both homework actually. Some people missed some homework that they added. You explained the work well, and the pictures fit in perfectly with it. I found no errors Bob, so yea. :). You COULD have did the homework too, like you know how you showed the homework? You could have done your own homework to show some people who might have been away how it was done. But, it's fine! I'm sure the people who were away or something would still understand your scribe. Btw :): I think it was pretty smart for you to ask your friends what you missed out (;<. Keep everything up Bobby! Then you'll reach the stars.
March 10, 2009 at 12:27 PM
^^ thats is one long comment ,, lol
well all of its true though . good job.
March 10, 2009 at 2:19 PM
Thanks Peachy! and
I did bad on this what are you guys talking
I was late and didn't know what was going anyways..:)
March 10, 2009 at 2:29 PM
Melissa B. ;)
haha, you spelled it wrong! Sorry Bob.
March 10, 2009 at 6:15 PM