percents :]
Anyways so here they are. Enjoy! :]
Sorry.. im super lazy and super tired so im not going to do it all fancy smancy. :]
245% of 356.80$
356.80$/ 100 = 3.568
3.568 x 245 = 874.16
68 3/4% (68.75) of 730
730 / 100 = 7.3
7.3 x 68.75 = 501.875
360% of $129.95
129.95 / 100 = 1.2295
1.2295 x 360 = 467.82
63% of $345 0000
345000 / 100 = 3.45
3.45 x 63 = $ 217.35
182% of 1700
1700 / 100 = 17
17 x 182 = 3094
Percents Homework Assignment
Percents Homework Assignment
Hello! On Friday Mr. Harbeck assigned us a math homework, which is to be our last blog post. He gave us an option. We could do all of the questions or do only 2 questions and number 4.
Part A
1) 245% of $356.80

2) 68 3/4% of 730

3) 360% of $129.95

Question 6:
Table salt is a chemiccal compound of sodium and chlorine. Recommended daily intake is about 1700 mg. If Canadians consume 182% of this amount on average, how much sodium is one person eating.

Question 8:
The Nile River is about 209% of the length of the Yukon River. If the Yukon River is 3168 km, how long is the Nile River (to the nearest km) Show your work.

Percent Post
Let's say you're working at an office. Normally, the people in the office are okay (except that creepy, rat-like weirdo who chews on your pencils) and your boss is pretty mellow. Now, one day, your boss is feeling a bit hung over from the previous night (his wife left him). So now, feeling pretty crappy and bitter, he decides to take his pent up anger out on you. So, when you don't expect it, he takes the coffee pot and dumps the scalding contents on your head. Realising what he's done, he quickly reacts and decides to increase your pay check as compensation. By 245%.
Now here's the question:
What is 245% of $356.80 (your original paycheck)?
To find this, you merely find 2x (200%) your paycheck, add half the amount of your original pay and subtract 5%.
Doing the first step is easy, just multiply you check x2.
So, 200% of %356.80 is... $713.60!
When we add half of your original amount, which is 178.40, you get $892.
Now, when we subtract 5%... you get $847.4.
You may not be able to build that hi-tech home entertainment system, but at least you can make rent this month. Not too bad.
Here's another example in the form of a word problem.
Let's say you quit your old job and are in need of some money. You only have $129.95 and are pretty desperate. One night at a bar, you make a bet with your friend: You bet the last of your money that you can consume more shots than he can. If you do you get X% of your money. X being the number of shots you drank times 1o.
Twenty minutes later, you and your friend are neck in neck. Your drinking buddy suddenly doesn't feel so good. And a few seconds later, he pukes. You have officially drank him under the table and you have consumed 36 shots. You get 360% of your original $129.95.
How much did you receive?
To find the answer, you have to find your amount of money times 3, then add 3/5 of the original amount to the result.
I'll show you. First to find the 300%. That's simply 3x the $129.95.
129.95 x 3 = $389.85
Now that we have the 300, we need to figure out the 60. The 60 is equal to 3/5 of 129.95.
We can also achieve 60 by subtracting 40%.
So, 129.95 - 40% = $77.97
Now, just add the two together and you get $467.82.
Okay, here's your next question. After your buddy has waken up from his alcohol-induced state you both go home. When you get back to your apartment, you do what you always do: log on to your laptop. Tonight, you decide to play an MMORPG with friends. You are a half-orc barbarian, 18 STR, 16 DEF, 2 CHAR, etc. (To those who can't understand what these mean, LEARN TO PLAY NOOBS.)
Anyway, your walking through a forest, your boots cracking the twigs with every step. You then see something out of the corner of your eye. You turn and find a glowing flower on the side of the path. While going over to inspect it, a fairy suddenly pops out. It's holding a large sword. It offers it to you in exchange for a certain percentage of your gold. You have 730 gold and the fairy demands 683/4 % of it. Do you accept the deal?
Okay, first you have to find out what 60% of 730 is, what 8% of it is and what 3/4 of a percent it is.
First, the 60. That's easy, 730 - 40% = 438
Now for the 8. 730 - 92% = 58.4
Finally, the 3/4. To find this, you need to find 1%, divide it by 4, and multiply the product by 3.
730 - 99% = 7.3
7.3 / 4 = 1.825
1.825 x 3 = 5.475
Add your three results together (5.475, 58.4, 438) you get 501.875 gold.
You decide to give him most of your hard earned gold and in return you get a High Quality Long Sword. Now you can kill those annoying goblins.
Now after you completely pwn'd that goblin hoarde and ultimately got beaten out at 2 am by the blue screen of death. You then, reluctantly go to sleep.
1 pm. You are abruptly awakened by the buzzing sound of your alarm. You shut it off and then realize what time it is. Then you realize where you're supposed to be. You quickly burst out of bed, run into the door in your confused state and then get dressed. You then, get yourself to the balcony and slide down the fire escape into your car. You speed your way to the arena. You almost forgot the hockey game you were supposed to go to.
Second period. Half time. You just saw the Toronto Maple Leafs score their third goal against the New Jersey Devils. Now it's time for the half time contest. The announcer goess to the ice and calls out the following position. He says Section A, Row 2, Seat 12. Your seat. You quickly get out and onto the ice. The announcer asks you the following question:
"This arena seats 4900 people. Tonight, only 63% of the arena is filled. How many people are seated in the arena?"
There is an easy way to solve this. There are 4900 people in this arena. Divide the 4900 into 49 100's. Or, 49 wholes. Out of that 100, 63 of the seats are taken. Multiply that 63 by 49 and you get 3087.
After this mental math you quickly answer 3087. The announcer says you are completely right.
Congradulations! You have just won tickets to the Stanley Cup Finals!
On your way home from the game, with your newly claimed prize, you find your friend Miguel. He looks pretty freaked out. He says he just bought a Maxima for $4700. Now, here's the trouble. Miguel completely failed his math when it came to percents. The dealer said he had to pay a down of 19 1/2 percent of the total $4700. Can you help him?
This problem can be solved the same way as the last one. Just divide the 4700 into 47 groups of 100. Then subtract 19 1/2 from each group. That is equal to 19 1/2 x 47. 19.5 x 47 = 916.5
Miguel has to pay $916.50 to get his Maxima.
Francis 2 minutes to make a difference on WORLD HUNGER
Watch it with feeling and see how bad it can do to us.
UofR Regina, Sk.
I am Tiffany, a fourth year university student at the University of Regina. I am studying to be a Math and Science teacher, so when I finish up at university in two years I will be looking for my own classroom to teach Math in. I am excited to check out your blogs and read about what you are learning and also to see how math makes it onto the internet with your help. To be honest, I have never heard of a math blog before, because when I was in Grade 8 there wasn't such a thing. But I think it is a great idea! Well, I think this tells a little bit about me and where I am at in my education. Looking forward to seeing your work! Cheers.
Trent 2 minutesto make a difference
none deserves to live like they do.
Animal Abuse 2 Minuites to Make a Difference
Countless numbers of animals are killed each year because of animal cruelty..
Animal cruelty needs to be stopped.
If you want to learn more about animal cruelty, go to these sites:
(Just so you know ahead of time, some of the pictures in these sites are graphic.)
Christian's 2 minutes to make a difference
Melissa's 2 Minutes to Make a Difference
Marc's 2 Minutes to Make a Difference
Abby's 2 Minutes To Make A Difference
child labour: 2 minutes to make a difference
Child labour is so cruel! No child deserves to have their child hood taken away for them and be forced to work crazy long hours, at crazy young ages. Child labour needs to stop and it starts with one!
Labels: 2minutes, gennia8-16, NGO 8-16, Rayna8-16, samib816, spinquiry
Last Fraction Post
I dont think im completely done. So sorry (: i tried my best.
Katlyn and Charissa's last fractions post!
Adding Fractions
Adding fractions is pretty easy, just follow these step and you'll be good to go!
Sorry its a link people but I don't know how to post google docs in blogger so, SORRY!
Last Fraction Blog Post
Adding fractions is easy once you get the hang of it you can get subtraction as well. First you have to make all your fractions improper to start here is the first example.

Now that you have your fractions you just add the numerators together.

So you answer is seven tenths! we always have to simplify but we don't have to now.

Hes exited for the next question are you!? Next addition question!

First we find the common denominator which in this case is 9 because 3 and 9 go into 9. so now we change both denominators to 9. We can keep the first fraction the same because it is being multiplied by 1 which makes that fraction 5 over 9 . but the other you need to think what time 3 is 9? 3 times 3 is 9 so you times the top number(1) by 3 which equals 3 so that fraction would be 3 over 9. Add the numerators together and you get your answer.

You do the same steps that you do in adding than you do in subtracting except instead of adding at the end you subtract. This example is a mixed fraction.
Im sorry im not done :(
Patrick's Last Fraction Post
Hey Everyone! Last fraction post here and I'm gonna show you how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions! Let's start with adding!
Here's an example: 2/4 + 1/4
Since the denominators are the same, all you have to do is add the numerators together.
2 + 1 is 3 so... 3/4!
What if the denominators weren't the same?? :O! Well it's still easy! :) Just MAKE the denominators the same!
For example: 2/4 + 2/8
Now, how do you make the denominators of 4 and 8 the same? Divide 8 by 2! 8 divided by 2 is 4, which is the same as the other denominator. And whatever you do to one side, you do to the other. Now you have to divide the numerator by 2 'cuz you did it to the bottom. The numerator is 2 so 2 divided by 2 is 1. The fraction is 1/4!
2/4 + 1/4 = 3/4 ...hard? I think not!
Subtracting Fractions isn't very hard neither. I'll give you one example with the same denominators and another with different denominators.
Example 1: 4/10 - 2/10
Just subtract the numerators since denominators are the same. 4 - 2 = 2. 2/10 is the answer.
Example 2: 4/10 - 6/30
The denominators are 10 and 30. Divide 30 by 3 to equal 10, an equal denominator to 10! Whatever you do down there, you do up there, too. Divide 6 by 3 to get 2. The equation is 4/10 - 2/10 = 2/10
Multiplying Fractions gets a bit complicated, but not if you know what you're doing.
Example 1: 2/3 x 4/5
The first step is to multiply the numerators. 2 x 4 equals 8. Then multiply the denominators. 3 x 5 equals 15. Your fraction is 8/15! EEEEAASSYYY!!....if you know how to do it :)
Example 2: 2 1/2 x 1/2
Woah! That's hard, eh? NOT! Do you know what an improper fraction is? It's a fraction that has a greater numerator than denominator, meaning its total value is more than 1 whole. All you need to do is convert 2 1/2 into an improper fraction, then use the 2 steps from example 1! To convert a mixed number into an improper fraction, multiply your wholes (2) by your denominator (2) and then add it to your numerator (1). 2 x 2 = 4 + 1 =5. Then use the same denominator. 5/2 is the fraction so you're multiplying 5/2 by 1/2. Multiply Numerators (5 x 1 = 5) and denominators (2 x 2 = 4) to get the fraction 5/4. That's your answer!
Everything is easy so far, right? Well, how do you think dividing will be? EASY! I'll teach you on the way!
Example 1: 9/10 ÷ 3/4

Example 2: Mixed Numbers!
3 1/2 ÷ 7
First, convert your mixed number!
Whole x denominator + numerator...
3 x 2 = 6 + 1 = 7
7/2 is your fraction.
You also have to convert the 7. Let's use the denominator of 2! 7 x 2 is 14. 14/2 is 7 wholes!
7/2 ÷ 14/2 ...use the reciprocal now!

Now let's get to word problems :)
#1: It takes 2 1/4 scoops of flour to make one cake. How many cakes do 15 scoops make?
Let's draw pictures!

As you can see by the indicated colors, 15 scoops of flour can make 6 cakes and 2/3 of a cake.
One day in Winnipeg with 10 1/2 hours of daylight, it was sunny for 1/3 of that time. For how many hours was it sunny that day?
Convert 10 1/2 into improper to make it easier...
10 x denominator (2) + numerator (1).
10 x 2 = 20 + 1 = 21
21/2 is equal to 10 1/2.
We're trying to find 1/3, so just divide it by 3 if you can, and take 1 piece because you have 1 thirds.

Oh! Before I go, remember to always simplify your fractions if possible, and to always have simple sentence answers to any word problem! Cya guys later!!
Gian's last fraction post

Our first question is 2/3 multiplied by 9/10. First what we do is to multiply the numerators which is 2 and 9. So 2 x 9 equals to 18.

Now all that is left to do is to multiply the denominators. So 3 multiplied by 10 equals to 30.

Now the fraction we have is 18/30. So we simplify it and we get 3/5.

So our answer is 3/5 .

Question 2

Now we move on to dividing fractions. Our first Question is 1/4 divided by 3/4. When dividing fractions it always helps when using a ratio table.

Now we have to make it into a mixed fraction. First we have to figure out how many times does 4 go into 12 ? 3 , so 3 becomes the whole number. Since 4 goes into 12 perfectly and there are no left over 3 also becomes our numerator and the denominator stays the same.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions
Question 1
First what we do is look at the Denominators. Then we look at what the two Denominators both go into, then we multiply. 2 multiplied by 7 would give us the total of 14.
Now that we multiplied both our numerators. All that is left to do is add both second fractions that we got which was 7 over 14 and 4 over 14.
So all we did for the last step was add the numerators and kept the denominators the same, which gave us the total fraction of 11 over 14.
Question 2
First we look at the Denominators, then we figure out what they both go into so 3 times 10 equals 30. Now we make a set of fractions that could go into 30. Now we divide. We divide 3 into 30 and also divide how many times 10 goes into 30.
The last thing we do now is to take away from the numerator which is 10 and 9. So 10 take away 9 equals to one. Then we keep the denominators the same and we have a fraction of 1 over 30.
Word Problems

Question 2
Question 3
Marc's Last Fraction Post
Well what I've learned about adding fractions from all the teaching Mr.H taught us, I actually found that adding fractions were simple. Just like 1 2 and 3
And just like I said...1
Perhaps the question was 5/9 + 1/3..
The first step would be to do cross multiplication...

you then simply add the two numerators(15 and 9)

and the last step......3
To simplify your answer to the lowest terms, you find the number that is able to divide the numerator and denomerator and the number happens to be 3...

Subtraction is the exact same thing as adding fractions but at the second step you just subtract instead.
Now for adding when you have a mixed number is also very simple, if you think that adding fractions were difficult at this point you must be crazy.
Adding Mixed Fractions
Step 1:
Perhaps the question was....2 4/9 + 5 1/2
You just add the whole fractions together first (2 and 5) which will equal 7
now what would be left is 4/9 and 1/2, so now you do the procedure as if this question was like the very first one in this post.
Your answer should now be 17/18 and all you do now is put the two answers together which would become 7 17/18
Now here's a presentation for multiplying and dividing fractions....
This is the end of my final post for FRACTIONS
Brandon Last Fraction Post
Now, the equation is
21/2 + 27/4
Here, you can now do the same thing you would do as if it was a regular fraction.
21/2 + 27/4
21/2 x 2 = 42/4
42/4 + 27/4 = 69/4
= 17 1/4
Now, it's time to move on to another subject: multiplying.
Multiplying fractions. It's so easy a chimp could do it. Seriously. You just multiply the numerators by the numerators and the denominators by the denominators. THAT'S IT.
Let's try this example:
2/3 x 9/10
You just have to multiply the two numerators (2 x 9) and the two denominators (3 x 10)
As a result you get:
Simplified, it is 3/5.
What? Oh, you didn't get it the first time? You want me to do it again? FINE. BUT JUST ONE MORE TIME.
Here's your example:
3/4 x 4/5
Okay, now solve it.
Okay, okay, I'll do the work for you...
3/4 x 4/5
3 x 4 = 12
4 x 5 = 20
Therefore, the answer must be 12/20
Simplified, the answer is 3/5
Now, for a subject that will really make your head hurt: Dividing fractions.
To divide fractions, you have to think in 1 of 2 ways: First, you can try and think "How many groups of (second number) go into (first number)?"
Or you can think paint can vs. room. You have used so much of a paint can to paint so much of your room. This involves taking the easy way out and making a ratio table.
First, the first method.
I'm gonna make this REAL easy.
1 1/2 / 1/2
You just have to find how many groups of 1/2 go into 1 1/2.
To do this, you have to make the mixed number improper.
When you do, the number becomes 3/2.
It becomes THREE HALVES.
You have to find how many groups of ONE HALVE go into THREE HALVES.
If you didn't know, the answer is 3.
Okay, let's try this with another question and method.
3/4 / 1/3.
Let's try this with a ratio table this time.
3/4 1/3*
9/4 3/3 If we multiply by 3*, we can get a whole number.
As we all know, when you divide a number by 1 you get the number.
So the answer is 9/4 or 2 1/4
Abby's Last Fraction Post
Question 1:

First of all, we have to look at the denominators and see what 4 and 8 both go into. We can do this by multiplying 4 by 8 which is 32. Maybe some people would choose to use 32 as the next denominator, but using 8 is much easier since 4 and 8 both go into 8.

Then, we make another set of fractions, but with the denominator of 8. First we look at the denominators. How many times does 4 have to be counted to go into 8? 2. How many times does 8 have to be counted to go to 8? 1.

What we do to the bottom, we do to the top. So since 4 was multiplied by 2, then the numerator (3) has to be multiplied by 2. And since 8 was multiplied by 1, then the numerator (1) has to be multiplied by one. 3 x 2? 6. 1 x 1? 1.

The last thing we have to do is subtract the numerators. So 6 take away one is 5. The denominator stays the same, so the overall answer is 5 over 8!
Question 2:

First of all, we have to look at the denominators and see what 2 and 7 both go into. So we multiply both of them to see what number they both fit in. 2 multiplied by 7 results as 14.

Then we make another set of fractions but with the denominator of 14. We look at the denominators first. What does 2 have to be multiplied by to get to 14? 7. What does 7 have to be multiplied by to get to 14? 2.

What we have to do to the bottom, we have to do to the top! So since 2 was multiplied by 7, the numerator (1) has to be multiplied by 7. And since 7 was multiplied by 2, the numerator (2) has to be multiplied by 2.. too!

So now we take away the old fractions, and use the new one! All we have to do is add the numerators together. 7 + 4 results as 11, and the denominator stays the same.
Question 3:

Now we are dealing with mixed fractions. First, we put the whole numbers 20 and 4 out of the way.

Now it looks like a normal subtraction fraction question. Now we have to find out what 3 and 10 both go into. So 3 X 10 = 30.

Then we make a set a fractions that have a denominator of 30. First, we look at the denominators. How many times does 3 have to be multiplied by to get to 30? 10. How many times does 10 have to be multiplied to get to 30?3.

Now, we have to multiply the top fraction numerators by the number that their denominators were multiplied by. So 1 multiplied by 10 is 10, and 3 multiplied by 3 is 9.

Then we take away the old fractions and use the new ones. We have to subtract numerator 9 from numerator 10.The answer to that is 1. And of course, we keep the denominator the same.

Then we bring back the whole numbers and we just use simple subtraction.

Now, we just combine the whole number 16 and the fraction 1 over 30. So the answer to question 3 is 16 and 1 thirtieths!
Multiplying Fractions
Question 1:

Now we are dealing with multiplying fractions. It's not that hard once you get it.

To answer a multiplying fraction question, all you have to do is multiply the numerator to the other, and the same goes to the denominators.

So 3 multiplied by 2 makes 6. 4 multiplied by 5 is 20. So that makes 6 over 20. Then we just simplify by finding a number 6 and 20 both go into, like 2. So 6 divided by 2 is 3, and 20 divided by 2 is 10.
Question 2:

Now we are going to start multiplying mixed fractions.

Since these fractions are mixed, we can turn them into improper fractions. We can do this by going denominator multiplied by whole number plus numerator.

Now with the improper fractions, the multiplication question looks like this.

Then we multiply 5 by 11, and 2 by 10. Which results as 55 twentieths.

We then simplify the improper fraction, then turn it back into a mixed fraction.

So then the answer to this mixed fraction multiplication question is 2 and 7 fourths!
Dividing Fractions
Question 1:

Now it's onto dividing fractions!

To divide fractions, we can use a ratio table to help us. The paint cans and the room labels are just there to help us.. Like we have 4 fifths of a paint can the filled up 2 sevenths of the room. What we're supposed to do in this ratio table is to make 2 sevenths into a whole number. So what we do first is divide the numerator by 2, so that makes 1 seventh. Then we multiply one by 7, which makes 7 sevenths, a whole number. If we did those on one side, we have to do it to the other. So divide the numerator by 2, so that makes 2 fifths.Then we multiply 2 by 7, which makes 14 fifths.

Then we change the 14 fifths into a mixed fraction. How many 5's are in 14? 2. So 2 becomes the whole number. How much do you have to add to 2 groups of 5 to get to 14? 4. So 4 becomes the numerator. The denominator stays the same as 5.

So the answer to this fraction division question is 2 and 4 fifths!
Question 2:

Here is a fraction division question with a mixed number and a whole number.

Then we turn 8 and 1 third into an improper fraction. We make the whole number 7 a fraction by making it a numerator and making the denominator 1.

So this is what the division question looks like now.

To help us with this question, we'll use something that's a fraction over fraction. 25 fifths is the numerator, and 7 over 1 is the denominator. To make 7 over 1 completely whole, we'll use something called a reciprocal. We multiply 7 over 1 by 1 over 7 which results as 1. Then we multiply 25 thirds by 1 over 7 which equals 25 over 21.

We then turn 25 over 21 into an improper fraction. 21 goes into 25 once, and we have to add 4 more to get to 25.

So the answer to this division question is 1 and 4 twenty-fifths!
Word Problem #2 :

Word Problem #3 :